Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The most active I've ever been

Today Nikki, Houston and I decided to find Mountain Lake. It's this lake in Tuxedo Park/Tuxedo that I never knew existed until recently and we found it totally ridiculous that in all our years living in this town we never visited it. So, after lunch we set off on an adventure. We started to take a trail but then for some reason we decided to venture off that trail (which, would have ultimately led us to our destination a lot quicker/more safely) and make our own path.

We climbed mountains, ran into wildlife, and a few times contemplated if it was really worth all the struggle. Well, once we finally reached the top of the steepest cliff yet, we saw the light reflecting slightly off of...what?! is that water?! yes! yes it is!

It stopped there because there was really no defined shoreline so we kind of just sat for awhile and examined our wounds. On our way back, we got a little lost but found the original trail and got back to our cars.

I went into the pool for the first time in like, two years. Then, I was forced to swim 50 butterfly and 50 freestyle in a swim meet. I lost and I still have water in my ears but it was fun.

I then hung out with Nikki for awhile at his house. We watched his cousin's show and then went over to Houston's and played Mortal Kombat. As always, Ian was the Flash and used that one supermove constantly and won without any struggle.

We decided to go see Harry Potter 6 at midnight. It was fun, it was long...Hillary and I laughed the entire time. As we were all leaving this one kid dropped all of his Skittles and everyone stared at him, his family frozen in the act, and he goes, "Great! JUST GREAT!" Perfect ending. I got home around 3:45 am which is honestly so late. I should go to bed now.

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