Monday, October 19, 2009


Past week has been good. Went to Philly for the first time to see Bruce Springsteen. Our bus driver's name was Wogget.
Had serious awkward moments with the Big Man, drank way too much coffee, wrote my art history paper on the bus ride home.

Owen had Oompa Loompas serving cake at his birthday. Never thought I'd be able to say I was served cake by an oompa loompa but clearly anything is possible.

Realized how much work I have to do, want to throw my body out of a window.

Yesterday Emma took photoz of me and Caitlin looking creepy but the photos will no doubt be awesome.

It has been Styrofoam snowing in my neighborhood because of construction.

Saw No Age last night, it was awesome. Soft Circle are so good too. Alison got her head kicked and had blood everywhere...pretty ROCKNROLLLLL if you ask me (ah ha ha...). BV's internet is currently on the fritz so the photos haven't gone up yet but hopefully soon!
Met the guy that made pitchfork, random.
A guy from The Mummies emailed me (I freaked out, still sort of am)

Had a photoshoot with Dinowalrus tonight, it was good. It is too cold to live right now. I should probably be writing my paper?

here are some photos of my design project from last week:

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